An Outreach Initiative by TEEAM-SWO Cum TC 10 - Electrical Installation, Protection and Insulation Practice 2010
TEEAM is a SIRIM designated Standards Writing Organisation (SWO) since 20th August 1999. Over the 11 years, TEEAM-SWO as the Chair & Secretariat for SIRIM TC 10: “Electrical Installation, Protection and Insulation Practice” has developed and reviewed a number of standards.
Amongst which is the MS IEC 60364 and TEEAM-SWO proceeded further to develop the Guide to MS IEC 60364 for Electrical Installations of Buildings which is MS 1936: 2006, together with its companion Malaysian Code of Practice on Electrical Installations of Buildings (MS 1979:2007) which now forms the referral standard in ST’s Installation Guidelines for Electrical Installations in the Electricity Supply Industry.
In the light of the importance regarding EMC concerns and Power Quality (PQ) issues; and to complement and supplement MS IEC 60364 and other standards of the MS IEC 61000 series developed by SIRIM TC 8 – The Technical Committee on PQ; TEEAM-SWO seriously considered the available IEC Technical Reports (TRs) on Part 5 of the IEC 61000 series. After a period of site evaluation of the recommended practices which proved suitable and they conform to Malaysian practices; TEEAM-SWO (cum TC 10) then further developed and adapted the IEC TRs as the Malaysian Standards; the final drafts of which are listed in the caption.
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