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Shaun Chua

3 Emerging HVAC Trends for 2021

The HVAC industry is seeing an uptick of activity and profit as the world moves to one that is centered around telecommuting and remote work. With more people staying at home than ever, coupled with rising temperatures in urban landscapes - the demand for HVAC units in residential and business facilities has been increasing. According to Mosaic, here are some of the emerging HVAC trends to look out for in 2021:

Trend #1: Smart HVAC demands Advanced Personnel

Due to the rapid pace of development in the HVAC industry, new technologies are constantly being added into the installation and maintenance procedures. Companies have been seeking individuals that are well-versed, trained, and experienced in consulting and installing these new HVAC units.

With average smart HVAC systems costing up to USD$7,000, it represents a substantial investment to many businesses. Therefore, HVAC technicians that can collaborate, consult and understand the ins and outs of the systems will continue to be sought after. This accelerated demand for HVAC talent is expected to last well into 2026.

Trend #2: Reduced Energy Costs

According to the American Urban Green Council, it was found that a high-efficiency HVAC unit utilizing the latest energy saving technologies could result in a total payback (as energy savings) in 5 to 7 years, depending on the unit make. Additionally, households that switch or upgrade to more energy-efficient HVAC units could enjoy a tax break, or cash rebate voucher from their state or local governments - resulting in yet more savings.

Energy efficiency, especially in HVAC units during a time where more people are working in their own homes has become a talking point for individual families. According to the American Department of Energy (DoE), a household could save up to $140 annually if they switch to a newer HVAC unit, but this takes a willingness to invest in newer technologies.

Trend #3: Greener HVAC Technologies

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB, USA) has found that more than 50% of millenials were willing to spend up to 10% more on HVAC systems that were found to be more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. This was found to be a larger percentage than Generation X or Baby Boomers, which only had less than 35 percents of support amongst those demographics. This change of green awareness has spurred innovation into more efficient HVAC units.

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